Written Reflection- Critical Thinking and Expression


I chose these two papers for my artifacts because they reflect the writing skill that I have gained as I have studied the Spanish language over the last 5 years at Brigham Young University. I am passionate about reading, so the first essay reflects this interest of mine. The argumentative essay discusses the impact that literature can have on society, with a well-developed example focused on the literature following the dirty war in Argentina. The research essay that I chose investigates Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder or OCD for short. I suffer from this mental disorder myself, so I have a vested interest in understanding this topic and helping others to be able to do the same. This paper fits the criteria for the research paper because in it I investigate a topic in depth and provide a synopsis of what it is and its relevance today. 

As a Spanish major at BYU, I have had the opportunity to develop my argumentative skills in a number of ways. I have learned the importance of researching a topic and finding reputable sources in order to support and ground my argument with concrete points and evidence. Doing so in another language has also helped me to see the world from a completely different perspective. Language is the medium through which we perceive the world, and learning Spanish has enabled me to perceive the world through an entirely new vantage point. This has been extremely liberating in a lot of ways, as it has allowed me to open my mind to new possibilities and to have insight into certain nuances about the working of the world. When it comes to research skills, I have learned how to delve into a topic and how to understand it from multiple perspectives. I have gained the ability to synthesize information from multiple resources into a clear picture of the topic that I am studying so that I can explain it to an audience. These skills have been extremely helpful in my studies, and I know that they will continue to aid me as my studies continue.

As far as my plans for continuing to develop my skills in these areas, I plan to continue my education in the field of medicine and to improve my Spanish alongside these studies so that I can one day practice medicine in Spanish just as well as I can in English. I want to be able to reach a greater number of people to provide them the help that they need, and I think Spanish offers me this opportunity. I will also continue to listen to Spanish podcasts and read in Spanish so that I stay sharp in regards to my Spanish abilities. I will strive to keep speaking Spanish at every opportunity that I get, and I will do my best to use my Spanish to improve the lives of my fellow men. 

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